Portrait Series : Chloe Blanchard
We were very excited to have one of our favorites the beautiful Chloe Blanchard in studio with us and to be our February Monthly Muse....
Chloe is the light of every set she walks onto, you instantly want to know more about her. Her playful personality embodies itself in her trademark freckles, cascading artfully across her high cheekbones. Not once does she complain about the unpredictable Los Angeles winter heat or the bright sun reflecting across the white rooftop where we have our shoot. In between shots, as we conduct our interview, she retreats to the pockets of shade before she once again meets the lens and her powerful gaze tells a whole other story…
All right it's time for the interview part....
Oh god... haha
Don't worry it will be easy... Let’s start of with who is your style icon?
Michelle Pfeiffer as Elvira Hancock in Scarface and Sharon Stone as Ginger McKenna in Casino.
Yes! Those are both amazing choices. They are both so beautiful in those roles... Speaking of beautiful who would be your lesbian crush?
Rooney Mara in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo!
Ok, you’re good at this, I don't know why you were worried... Now what is your Vice to Guilty Pleasure?
Mmmm, food but specifically plantains, I eat them until I am literally unhappy.
Haha.. Ok let’s talk clothing for a second. What are your 3 most coveted pieces?
Any band shirts from Kelly Cole
Yes, he literally always has the best!
My adidas and Stan Smith shoes and..... my Pandora bag by Givenchy!
Great choices! What is next on the horizon for you? Any trips or somewhere you would want to go?
Well next time I go to London what I really want to do is visit the London Dungeon.
Wait, what?
Haha, the London Dungeon is a must see attraction, it's kinda like Disneyland for grownups because it's scary.
Wow, that sounds pretty cool but I can't even go to Knott’s Scary Farm so I probably wouldn’t be able to make it in.
On another note, do you have any words to live by?
Umm.. I think it would be "Take time to be grateful" I don't think people do that enough.
Agreed, I know I need to do that. Ok, lastly!! What are the top 3 songs that are in rotation for you at the moment?
Ackkkk.... ok..
1. Pearl Jam - Yellow Ledbetter
2. The Contours - Do you love me
3. Rozzi Crane - Crazy Ass Bitch
A random bunch but I have too many so I picked blindly!
Interview: Jenna Hughes @jennahhughes